Depression Self Help-Resources That Can Get You Through It

People who suffer from depression often feel hopeless, alone, and discouraged. Due to these negative feelings, it can be challenging to seek help and recover from this mental illness. Though the road to improvement is long, it is possible to effectively treat depression and symptoms of it. This post discusses various depression self help techniques and resources. These can be used to start the recovery process from this battle.

Self Help Books And Workbooks

Self Help Books On a White BackgroundOne of the most crucial parts of treating depression is understanding the illness itself. Fortunately, there are many self-help books and workbooks available for understanding and treating this condition. Some highly-rated reading materials are:

  • “The Cognitive Behavioral Workbook for Depression” by William J. Knaus, EdD and Albert Ellis, EdD
  • “Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy” by David D. Burns
  • “The Feeling Good Handbook” by David D. Burns
  • “The Self-Esteem Workbook” by Glenn R. Schiraldi
  • “Active Treatment of Depression” by Richard O’ Connor

Physical Activity And Exercise

People who suffer from depression often experience fatigue and lethargy. This can make it difficult to stay active. However, many research studies conclude that exercise and physical activity are effective treatments. Exercise increases endorphin levels, reduces physical and mental stress, and alleviates muscle tension. Some simple suggestions for physical activity are:

Yoga and Tai Chi – These forms of physical activity work on exercising both the body and the mind. Meditating while performing these exercises can help alleviate the “fog” that many people experience with depression.

Start Out Slowly – Starting out slowly with 10 to 30 minutes of activity per day and building up from there is ideal. Over-exercising can cause muscle strain and increased fatigue.

Exercise With A Partner – Exercising with a friend or family member can make physical activity more enjoyable and less of a chore. It also promotes conversation and spending time with loved ones, which can help.

Dietary Changes

Research suggests that changes in one’s diet can significantly improve symptoms of depression. Focus on a diet that consists of lean proteins, vegetables and fruits, and complex carbohydrates. Increasing intake of B vitamins can also increase energy and boost mood; these vitamins are found in leafy greens, citrus fruit, and beans. Taking a multivitamin is also ideal, as increases in magnesium and other vitamins and minerals can significantly improve one’s mood.

Eliminating foods and substances that can alter the mood may also help reduce symptoms. Examples include caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and foods that are filled with preservatives. The chemicals in these substances and foods can impact brain chemistry and may worsen depression.

Overall, there are many options and resources available for individuals who suffer from this common condition. Like many chronic physical illnesses, this mental illness requires consistent treatment and self-care. The tips and resources mentioned above are an excellent way to start the healing process. With regular care and persistence, it is possible to use depression self help resources to treat this illness.